Sale Price:$39.99 Original Price:$129.00

This comprehensive book comprises 6 sets of Aly’s Angels signature angel maps, carefully crafted to elevate your mastery of texture and design in your sets. Each map intricately details lengths, curls, and layering, serving as an guide to effortlessly replicating these stunning looks. Perfect for beginners, this book provides a detailed, step-by-step exploration of identifying layers and strategically laying out your maps to achieve the ideal texture and wispiness.

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This comprehensive book comprises 6 sets of Aly’s Angels signature angel maps, carefully crafted to elevate your mastery of texture and design in your sets. Each map intricately details lengths, curls, and layering, serving as an guide to effortlessly replicating these stunning looks. Perfect for beginners, this book provides a detailed, step-by-step exploration of identifying layers and strategically laying out your maps to achieve the ideal texture and wispiness.